
All meetings are unique, or should be, but this morning’s was more unique than most! We had a guest speaker who was taken ill yesterday evening. We had 2 first-timers and 2 second-timers, and one first-timer did not come because one of his cows fell over. Normal for Norfolk. And Balázs from Hungary was with us, as he is staying with us at present.

Mark and Michelle’s car conked out as they drove through the gateway. Dead! And they had a new battery and alternator during the week. 

Before turning to praise, we prayed for Marcus (sick guest speaker), Mark and Michelle’s car, and Marion and Margaret (prayer requests),

before Emma told us of her pain and swelling with a dental abscess, that resolved within 2 hours of Shirlene praying for it during the week.

Thank you Bob for leading praise, and to Wendy for leading communion. Balázs spoke of his work in Hungary. I spoke of the abundant life promised in John 10:10 to those who repent and believe, who should then follow through with baptism, joining a church, and deepening their relationship with Jesus. Frank read from Matthew 6, ending with ‘Seek ye first……’.

After a rousing ‘You won’t leave here as you came, in Jesus Name’, Craig said he felt he knew what was wrong with Mark and Michelle’s car, went out onto the drive, fiddled under the bonnet, and it exploded into life.

Michelle gave each of the ladies a bouquet of flowers. 

Wendy treated us to an amazing lunch. The room was almost full. We thank the Lord for His Presence, and all that He did for us today.

Next meeting – prayer at Catfield Thursday 2pm.

Frettenham next Sunday – usual time.

A few pics of people after the meeting.

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Be Encouraged!

I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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