
Kevin Charles-Thompson drove up from the southern Netherlands, to speak and to ‘see how we do house church’. He arrived very late on Saturday evening, shrugging off frost and fog.

With frost and fog continuing on Sunday morning, how many Liberty people would actually turn up? Could we be in for a degree of embarrassment with our speaker having travelled so far, and in bad weather?

It was an amazing time, and in so many ways. A few regular Liberty people were unable to come because of domestic arrangements, and two had their car damaged in an accident Saturday, and one had a health issue, and yet…. the room was full. Thank you Bob for anointed leading in praise and worship.

Thank you Jilly and Alan for leading breaking bread together. Thank you to all who shared words, prophetic utterances, scriptures, poetry and testimony. Through Kevin, there was a word that revival would sweep through East Anglia during the next 7 years, and across the nation. Wendy S had seen a spiritual tsunami of God’s Spirit rolling through our region.

There was an amazing sense of the presence of God. Kevin spoke of his conversion 7 years ago whilst with the SAS in Iraq, and of his call to be an evangelist. With many miraculous healings and deliverances, he thought his ministry would take him to Africa (he has already planted a church there) or South America. But the Lord has made clear that Norfolk is to be his home and ministry base for the next 7 years.

He invited people for prayer, though some had to leave. There was a time of prayer and prophesy, and at 1pm, Kevin was on the floor drunk with the Spirit! It had been something of a tsunami of a meeting.

It was a memorable meeting. For some, it meant a late lunch. For others, it meant missing some Holy Spirit action. For each of us a salutary lesson to allow for the moving of the Holy Spirit when planning our time. Church is more than a meeting 10am-12pm on Sunday mornings!

Next Sunday, Marcus will be bringing a word, and Christmas lunch will follow the meeting. Usual time. Usual place.

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Be Encouraged!

I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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