The Presence of Jesus!

Jesus said that where 2 or 3 are gathered together, he is ‘in the midst’ (Matthew 18:20). Sometimes we feel his presence, and sometimes we don’t. But we know he is present, because he promised.

However, I find it helpful to actually feel his presence, and in our meetings, it is usually during praise and worship, and breaking bread, that I sense that Jesus is close. However, this morning I felt he was so close, so early during our time together. And we certainly had more than 2 or 3!

Everybody participated! I loved it. I won’t name each and what they contributed, but – this is ‘body ministry’.

Thank you to all who prayed for Wendy’s back. She had been crying out with the pain, and largely incapacitated. Tonight she is moving with ease, and so much less discomfort. Thank you Jesus.

Thank you to Shirlene for bringing spicy sausage casserole for lunch. So good to have Jonny join us.

The next meeting is next Sunday, same place, same time. All welcome.

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I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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