Thank you, Lord!

Thank you Lord for another dry, and at times sunny, morning. Even with some regulars away or sick, we had quite a patio full. I really should have had both the bees nest and the wasps nest in the roof above us removed before the weekend. The bees are not too aggressive, and the wasps mostly keep their distance, perhaps because the bees got there first. Apologies to Wendy S who was dive-bombed a time or three. I don’t think we had prayed against bees before.

Bob is such an anointed worship leader,

and we appreciated the word from Malcolm as he led us in communion,

and Shirlene’s teaching on psalm 82, relating to Jehoshaphat’s battle in 2 Chronicles 20.

Thank you to Pauline for sharing some lovely verses from psalm 34.

Thank you to Wendy for a variety of cakes, with tea and coffee. 

We meet again next Sunday, same time, same place, and bees and wasps will be gone.

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