
People were generally back from holidays, and Billy and Wendy back from sorting out property in France, and Barry H largely better from the most debilitating back trouble. We praised and praised, though it was somewhat subdued, until suddenly…… Billy said he felt like exploding with praise, and then Malcolm said he did too. And so suddenly, we took off!

There was a sense of intimate closeness of Jesus as we broke bread together, led by Texan Billy,

and Barry H spoke from Isaiah.

We missed having John Alam with us as he is laid very low with a virus. ‘Raise him up, Lord’, we pray.

Thank you to Shirleen, for bringing chilli for lunch, to go alongside Wendy’s sweet and sour chicken.

Our next meeting is next Sunday, same place and same time, and everybody welcome.

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Be Encouraged!

I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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