Pray For the Nation?

After our final conference of the year, it was good to be back at Liberty.

And we are home here every Sunday through to mid-February now.

Barry H was unwell, but most of our reliable regulars were with us, and what a lovely time! Thank you to Malcolm for leading us in breaking bread together. Most absent people (several) were prayed for. Most people present shared testimony, or from the scriptures.

Should we pray for the nation? Especially at this critical time. 1 Tim.2:1-2 tells us to pray for kings and people in government. So we do. 1 Chron.7:14 tells us that where the people humble themselves and really seek God, He will ‘heal their land’. So we do. In Jer.14:10-12 we read of the Lord telling Jeremiah not to pray for the nation, because they had gone too far in their apostacy. Has the UK? Maybe, because of the legislation that turns its back on the Lord, and because of our multi-faith toleration. But this is a matter for the individual to decide. The default position is to ‘pray for the nation’.

There was the usual fellowship and laughter round the lunch table.

Our next meeting is in Frettenham next Sunday, 10th November, usual time, usual place. All welcome.

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