Praise on the Patio

The sky was blue, the sun shone down – and there were 15 of us gathering for praise on the patio this morning. And the Son shone down.

Thank you to all who came, and to all who participated. A great time of worship led by Bob, and much testimony and encouragement from Malcolm and Cliff. And so much more.

So good to have John Alam with us. John will nearly always come, so long as transport is provided. John shared with me privately afterwards, that he had received a new vision, of our meeting in more than one location as house churches, and yet coming together as one church frequently. This sits very comfortably with my own recent vision of where the Lord is taking us.

Looking forward to the time when all restrictions are lifted, and hopefully we shall see many others returning.

Please continue to pray for Ann, recovering from a stroke, bereaved of Tim, and with a birthday this Thursday. Other pray issues include Billy and Wendy hoping to move soon, Sue Pain’s health, and generally for one another as so many have challenges.

What shall we do next Sunday? – we’ll look at the weather forecast and email everybody.

Have a great week.


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I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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