Moving Forward!

For me personally (Barrie), it’s been a quite amazing week. Michelle and Mark, and Shirlene, and Cliff and Sue all communicated their desire to continue the meetings, and move the fellowship forward, during our forthcoming absence.

As soon as word got round, Bob and Connie offered their home for midweek meetings, and Shirlene offered her home fort Sundays. Count us in too, said Malcolm and Moira, and promptly offered the use of their more than adequate orangery.

Jonathan and Paige are hosting on 19th February. Shirlene, Bob and Cliff each stepped forward as a worship leader, others to lead, and others to minister in various ways.

Result – we have three venues, and a more than adequate supply of people with appropriate gifts. People have actually committed, and it is going to happen. I believe the church will grow more in our absence, than in our presence.

It had been a good week for me. Visiting a brother who was quite sick, I laid my hand on him and prayed. “Wow, the heat,” he exclaimed. Thank you Jesus. A lady had stopped Wendy and me and asked for prayer on the pavement in Aylsham. Wendy and I prayed for her there. She phoned this week to say how the Lord had really touched her and given her such blessing. She mentioned another member of our family that the Lord had used, and so they were blessed too. Thank you Jesus. Others also had testimony.

What praise and worship! Thank you Cliff for leading us in breaking bread. Thank you Jonathan and Paige for your ministry. We are to follow Jesus. If he  asks us to go somewhere, do something, say something – we are to do it. If he says host a meeting, offer to lead, take an active role – we are to say Yes.

Our next meeting is next Sunday at Frettenham. Usual time.

I am speaking at the Suffolk Coast Filling Station (nothing to do with motor fuel, but everything to do with the Holy Spirit) this coming Thursday evening. Grateful for prayer.

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Be Encouraged!

I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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