Wednesday , 24 July 2024


LOUD! I like loud, though I also like quiet, silence. We are encouraged to do both in the psalms; the Lord tells us what pleases Him, so we do it! And we love to.

The room was full, despite a few away with illness, etc. Great praise and worship led by Bob, and various words, readings, prayer, as we progressed. 

We paused, and turned to the Ukraine. We must not ignore what is happening there, and nor should we be obsessed with it. God is in control, but He calls us to cry out to Him. We did.

Wendy led us in communion, and then shared some scriptures.

How good to have Jonathan and Paige Squirrel with us. They spoke, especially about the Lordship of Christ. When NT Christians said that Jesus was Lord, they were saying that Caesar was not. And that was like treason. We need to take the Lordship of Jesus just as seriously. It should govern and shape every aspect of our lives, and especially in our modern secular culture. And people will see that we are attractively different.

The dining room was rather full, as we enjoyed an amazing lunch prepared by Wonder Woman Wendy – roast beef, roast pork and roast chicken. And a few vegetables, and puddings.

Our next meeting is next Sunday, 6th March, same time ands same place. (Phone me on 07786 381344 for details)

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Be Encouraged!

I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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