
Again, the room was full. And although some were away, Frank arrived with Alfie, and Georgie was with us for the first time. (She thought it was great, and wants to come back, intending to have husband in tow). How good to have Jilly and Alan come along. “Love it here”, they said, with a big smile.

Thank you to Bob for leading us into a heavenly place. Surely they can hear us praising our God in the village. This place rocks on Sundays. Well done, Michelle launching out in prophecy. Well done, Frank coming out with a Bible reference ‘in his head’, and not knowing what it said. Well, God spoke through it, and it dove-tailed with the prophesy.

We looked at Matthew 5:7,8. We see Jesus everywhere in the Bible, and we briefly considered the father taking the son to Mount Moriah, where the son carried on his back the wood on which he would be sacrificed – until there was a divine substitution.  

We briefly looked at Passover where an innocent lamb was slaughtered, and it’s blood displayed on the horizontal and vertical wood around the door. The blood kept the angel of death away, brought life and deliverance. Then we found Jesus in the beatitudes, fulfilling each. We considered His mercy, and His purity. We are called to be like Him. Again, we reflected on Mount Moriah and on Passover as we broke bread together.

There is no meeting in Frettenham next Sunday. We will meet in Catfield at The Sanctuary on Thursday (prayer) at 2pm and on Sunday at 10.30am. With recent church growth, Shirlene will take people on a first come, first served basis. If you don’t know her phone number, email me.

Our next meeting in Frettenham is on Sunday 13th November.

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Be Encouraged!

I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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