
It’s January and it’s winter! Ailments had beset some of our number – Covid recovery, painful neck and nasty cold, twisted knee – and yet the room was reasonably full. So those present prayed for those absent.

We also had specific things to praise the Lord for; Billy and Wendy had at last had an offer on a house accepted, and Bob and Connie were both testing negative for Covid. 

Praise and worship and prayer and testimony brought us to communion led by Cliff.

Then Barry H shared from Numbers 19. The red heifer is a type of Christ. Pure. Red (David was described as ruddy and is another type of Christ),

slaughtered outside the camp, with cedar (represents cross), hyssop (on which Jesus was offered vinegar) and scarlet (representing blood). The blood was sprinkled 7 times – Jesus had 7 bleeding wounds (2 hands, 2 feet, whipped back, thorn crowned head, sword pierced side). The ashes were kept for the water of purification. Jesus ‘sprinkled many nations’ (Isaiah 52:15). It was an anointed word, causing us to marvel at the scriptures, and draw closer to Jesus.

We prayed for those absent, and several present.

Our next meeting is next Sunday in Frettenham.

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Be Encouraged!

I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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