HE IS RISEN was on a banner placed on the front lawn by Wendy. HE IS RISEN was written on another banner hanging over the ingleneuk fireplace. HE IS RISEN is found in the Gospels following the resurrection, and HE IS RISEN was written on the joyful faces of those gathering Easter morning at our home. Each person had to remove the Easter egg and leather bookmark from their seat before sitting down. Others brought eggs, etc. and there was a general exchanging of gifts and greetings.

What praise and worship! Of course – HE IS RISEN. Prayers of praise, and testimonies of His Presence. Oh, Happy Day!

Bob led us in breaking bread. A number of people contributed encouraging words.

We looked at 1 Corinthians 15. Paul emphasised tha’t if people do  not rise from the dead, then Christ must still be dead. BUT – so many people have seen Him. Ask them!’ Paul was emphatic. And in a secular world, where we are continually bombarded, though often subtlety, with secular values and culture, we need to be sure in our hearts that Jesus rose, that He is alive, and that for us, death is not the end. Death may well be like a curtain being drawn back. We need to be assured and totally convinced of this, because many are not.

Jesus was, and is, both man and God. Maybe He always had the body of a man? One thinks back to the fiery furnace (fourth person) and the Angel of the Lord outside Jericho. And of the Lord walking in the garden with Adam. Where is He today? Very close, but in another realm – which is very close. He will return, and every eye will see Him. Then the kingdom of God will be established for ever, and that will be the end of everything that is not of God, and not good.

We sang ‘He is Lord’, and Malcolm closed in prayer.

Following tea and coffee and cakes, etc., people left carrying chocolate. Oh, Happy Day!

Our next meeting is next Sunday.

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Be Encouraged!

I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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