He Is For Us!

I am so blessed during our times of praise and worship. God inhabits our praises (Ps.22:3).

Testimony, praise, tongue, interpretation…. Surely this is church as per New Testament teaching. Billy felt he should anoint everyone present with oil, as several are sick and there are many needs.

We looked at Nahum 2:13. The worst words anyone can hear, is the Lord saying “I am against you”.  These words were for Nineveh through Nahum.

100 years earlier, Jonah had preached judgement to Nineveh, and the people repented. Now they were back in an ungodly state. Idolatry, social injustice and immorality are 3 characteristics of an ungodly society. Ours today? Never follow the world’s values. We are different. Don’t compromise on teaching on sex, morality, gender, etc. 

The Lord said He was against them. Nineveh fell to the Babylonian army, and today has vanished. How different for those who are God’s children and walk with Him. 131 times in the OT and 179 times in the NT the Lord says He loves us. He is for us. He will look after us. We need to know this in our hearts in this perverse world. Live the life He has placed within us, and shine brightly in a dark world.

Thank you Malcolm for leading communion.

Next Sunday, same place, same time. Kevin Charles-Thompson will be with us. (Ex-SAS, evangelist, speaker, author). 

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I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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