There are three things I would like people to know during this pandemic –

FIRSTLY – God is in control. He says so in scripture, and He demonstrates this in many ways, not least in the fulfilment of prophetic words He has inspired. Look at the restoration of Israel after two thousand years. That has not happened to any other nation, ever – but it has happened to Israel just as the Lord said it would.

SECONDLY – God is with us. Always. I sense His presence. He answers prayers. He heals people. To me it is quite obvious and apparent that He is with us.

THIRDLY – We are here for one another. If Wendy and I can do anything to help you at this time (or any other time), do get in touch with us. Our landline is 01603 898289 and my mobile is 07786 381344.

We are encouraged to grow. Sitting in a small traditional church where you stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down…. sing and listen and put money in the collection, will not bring any growth.

Going to a big church where you enjoy the singing, listen to good speakers, and face relentless appeals for your money, will also not bring about any growth.

Using your gifts and moving in your call will bring growth faster than any other way. That is why we meet the way we do. Please feel welcome to join us (when lockdown is lifted) and if you do, participate.

Bring what the Lord has given you during the week. Read 1 Corinthians 26. (And we will not ask for your money!)

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I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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