Great Notices, Greater Testimony!

The meeting started with notices, notices – but what a joy to announce that while we are absent, there is a programme to move the fellowship forward. A big Thank you to Michelle for heading up arrangements in our absence. There will be Sunday morning meetings in 2 venues, at Rackheath and Catfield, and a Thursday afternoon prayer meeting and Bible study at Freethorpe, commencing Thursday 9th February. For details of these meetings, please phone Michelle on 07453 300017.

There was a lot of testimony. Malcolm and Moira had spoken to a non-Christian with cancer, finance and employment problems. They promised to pray for him, and did, and with a few days, he had received £50,000 unexpectedly in the post, and was working again. His surgeon had told him that cancer had vanished from everywhere except one small gland, which could be treated surgically.

Connie spoke of how she had prayed with a lady on the checkout in her supermarket.

Barry H gave testimony of how he had received scriptures for a lady staying at their home, and of how the Lord had transformed her during a meeting held in the Elim church. It is always good to have Ann with us, and she spoke of the vital nature of water – but the psalms tell us that God is higher, and even more vital. So many people contributed, and there was great praise and worship.

Thank you to Malcolm for leading us in breaking bread, and to those who prayed that our time away would be refreshing, with opportunities to share testimony and gospel.

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Be Encouraged!

I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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