There are times when one just needs a good long sleep – and it was the worship leader’s turn today, and so I found myself unexpectedly strumming!

How good to gather with the Lord’s people, and to praise and worship the One Who makes such a difference in our lives.

Thank you to all who led us in prayer, read scriptures, testified, and generally brought the word of the Lord to us and encouraged us.
Thank you to Cliff for leading communion.

We looked at Psalm 128. The man who walks ‘in the fear of the Lord’ is blessed. David knew the fear of the Lord when Uzzah was divinely killed for reaching out and steadying the ark. Others have known the fear of the Lord when they have observed Him acting in judgement. It is good for us to know the fear of God.

But that is only one aspect of our relationship with Almighty God. We are also His servants. Paul called himself a bondservant. That means that we look to Him to call us to do certain projects, or conduct our lives in the way He directs. We obey.

But first and foremost, God is our Father. That is how I usually pray to Him – Father! I know I am accepted, and loved, and provided for. He is the perfect Father, and I love Him so much for all He is and all He does.

I find it helpful to be aware of different ways in which I relate to the Lord, and each has its place. But most of all, He is our loving Father.

We meet in Frettenham next week, usual time and usual place. We look forward to having Jonathan and Paige Squirrell with us, and expect to hear a word from God. And then you are all invited to a Christmas lunch with us. We hope you can make it, and if you could let us know (NOT essential), that helps with catering.