
‘He is risen’ was no doubt resounding around the world, as God’s people celebrated the Easter message. Historically, Jesus rose from the dead, and was seen by a huge number of people. 

I love the generosity of  God’s people. Last week, Michelle brought palm crosses and Easter cards. A shame a number of people were not here to receive them. This week, Wendy brought chocolate eggs, and iced cake with more eggs. Again, a shame a number of people were absent. But the eggs will be enjoyed all the same!

Bob’s car was still not repaired, and so I led worship. Barry, 80 during the week, led communion. Everyone participated.

Jesus said he had the power to lay down his life, and power to take it back, John 10:18. He showed us his word is reliable. He promised us power too – Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:8, and in many other places. If we want to see his kingdom come, we need to be ‘doing the stuff’. Most of us have had bucket loads of teaching. Now, let’s live the life.

Next meeting is Bible study Thursday.

Next Sunday is at Frettenham.

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I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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