
It’s so good that people arrive at 10am or shortly after. There is a lot of laughter and catching up, and this morning, there was a song or two, sung with enthusiasm at around 10.15am. And as most people were present, one or two prayed, including for Ann, who having recovered largely from her stroke, fell down a flight of stone steps, fracturing shoulder and hip. No sooner had prayer been offered, than Ann appeared on the drive, moving very slowly, but with determination. Barry H had called in to see how she was, and she said, “Please take me to Liberty!”

And so we celebrated bigtime. What a mighty God we serve! The room was full, and it was very noisy, and rightly so.

There were so many testimonies, and words, and scriptures, that Shirlene had to wait, and keep waiting, before she could lead communion.

We looked at Matthew 5:6, speaking of the blessedness of those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. We accept Christ, get born again, and are righteous before God. But we are called to walk righteously in this world, to honour the Lord.

Christ is our righteousness – 1 Cor,1:30. We hunger for Him and feed on the Word. We thirst for the Spirit, and spend time in His Presence. We are to be people of the Word and the Spirit, and there are no short cuts.

And then the meeting took off again.

We meet same time, same place next Sunday morning.

Advance notice. On Sunday 18th September, Jonathan and Paige Squirrell will be with us. All are invited to our Liberty Lunch afterwards.

Regional meetings are being held on Saturday 1st October at Binham, and on Saturday 26th November at Fakenham. PLEASE NOTE that the Fakenham meeting has been put back 2 weeks, and not as previously mentioned here and in the Notices. Further details from me (Barrie).

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Be Encouraged!

I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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