
Yet again, we anticipated few attending, due to sickness, and yet…

It is difficult to express or describe the sense of the presence of God coming down amongst us, but it is AWESOME.

Following a time of praise and worship, Barry H led communion. There was a short time of silence as we waited on God, broken by a loud message in tongues. The interpretation was that there are challenges ahead, but that the Lord is with his people, and will see them through.  Praise the Lord, and thank you to Michelle and Bob.

Cliff spoke from various scriptures, and encouraged us during these times of wars and increasing ungodliness, especially as the return of the Lord Jesus draws close.

We considered some of the opening words of Psalm 18, that the Lord is our Rock (unchanging, the same as in the Old and New Testament, and always present, and always strong) and our Fortress (a place to go and a person to hide in, during times of attack, exhaustion, etc. Many of us testify to the truth of that), and our Deliverer (he sets us free and heals, because he is living and active, and loves his people).

Our next meeting is next Sunday, usual time and usual place, and followed by a Liberty Lunch.

Wendy and I will be away for 5 successive Sundays in February and March. Michelle and Shirlene, with support from Jonathan and Paige, want the fellowship to continue and move forward during this time. If you are a part of the fellowship, watch this space!

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Be Encouraged!

I love the joy in the fellowship. Almost everyone comes really early in order to …

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