A relatively small number of us met yesterday morning. But a truly blessed time, with words of encouragement from Barry H, sharing from the psalms the frequency of the exhortation to trust the Lord, with the associated promise of peace.
Cliff led us in breaking bread, and there was prayer for one people who were absent.
Shirlene shared from Hebrews 4, concerning the word of God. She had a word to trust, and had peace (compare with Barry’s ministry) concerning her appointment with an eye consultant during the week. Result – the surgeon said that all was well, and “Discharged”.
In the past, we have prayed for needs, and seen the Lord answer. For example, for a worship leader, and Bob walked in. I feel there are similar needs now. My own prayers are for young middle-aged people, who know their Bibles, and have some leadership ability. We have great people now, but many of us are no longer young! We would also like to see people who understand commitment, and do it! They would be here most Sundays.
Next Sunday, the meeting is at Catfield, as Wendy and I are away at conference (Christian Dental Fellowship. Perhaps pray for me Friday evening!).
Sunday 17th, meeting at Frettenham, with guest speaker Marcus Philpott, followed by Liberty Lunch. All welcome.
Friday 6th December, a number of us, together with friends and contacts, will be enjoying Indian food at a restaurant in Norwich. Interested? Let me know by next Wednesday, 13th November.
Don’t forget!