Because we are a small number meeting in Sundays, we estimate numbers, and then get chairs out of house and store onto the patio. Yet again today, we underestimated. It was so good to have Frank and Alfie with us again (2 weeks running now) and Maria. Thank you to Bob for leading us in praise and worship,

and to Fred for leading us in breaking bread. It was good to spend time in prayer, and (almost) laying hands on those needing healing.

We looked at Ephesians 5:10, where we are told to consider those things that please the Lord. Consider – this involves thinking. Using our brain. There are 3 things the Lord tells us to do with our brain. 1. Use it. 2. Renew it. 3. Ignore it.

We are to use it to remember. 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26. Psalm 77:11-14. What the Lord has done for us, the difference he has made, the prayers he has answered. Remember Calvary. This will build faith.

We are to use it to consider. Haggai 1:7. Am I moving forward? Am I hearing God? What has he called me to do at this time?

We are to use it to study. 2 Timothy 2:15. Study in order to understand. Look at a person, or subject, or book of the Bible – and study, learn and understand.

We are to renew it. Romans 12:1,2. Our minds used to put ME first. Now we put JESUS first. Or do we? We are what we eat – so what are we feeding our minds on. Radio, TV, magazines, films – if we listen or watch strong language, smut, sex, violence, arguing, domestic strife, etc. we are liable to grow like it. Let’s feed our minds on God’s word, both the written, and what he says to us through each other, etc.

Ignore it. When the Lord told Joshua to take Jericho by walking quietly round it for 7 days, then giving a trumpet blast and shout, he had to ignore common sense! When David fought Goliath with a sling…. When Peter was told to walk on the water….

Are we really hearing God, though? Ask for a sign, perhaps. Ask older Christians for counsel and confirmation.

And if you are convinced God has called you to do something that seems irrational, go for it. I (Barrie) did, in opening a Christian bookshop when it was impossible, or going to people I did not know because the Lord sent me.

Our next meeting is in Frettenham, next Sunday, 13th September. Same time. Same place. Refreshments after the meeting.