OK, I must confess to liking LOUD, though I will balance that by saying I also like ‘quiet’. This is reflected in my own personal walk with God, when I drive to the coast, walk by the sea, and SHOUT, SHOUT, SHOUT to God. We are exhorted to in many of the psalms, and it seems fitting. Victory. Glory. Praise. It’s a bit tough on the miserable ones, but Hey – loosen up!
I also like doing ‘quiet’, and often spent time silently before the Lord, appreciating His presence, and His still small voice.
Our meeting today (Sunday 11th August) started LOUD. After testimony of answered pray, we went into loud praise, shouting and dancing, clapping and raising our hands. Margaret and Tony were with us, brought along by Billy and Wendy, so exuberant decibels were almost guaranteed. (Don’t like LOUD? – sorry, heaven’s going to be LOUD!)
There were anointed words from Marcus and Barry H, with testimony contributed by so many including Moira, Malcolm, Wendy and Maria. A word, a vision, an exhortation.
Then we had ‘quiet’ as we approached breaking bread together. (Don’t like ‘quiet’? Sorry, but we read of at least one session of silence in heaven!). Rob led us meaningfully in breaking bread.
Wendy spent time with Freya, looking at the story of Joseph. The rest of us prayed for the sick, and those with other needs.
Not everyone could stay for lunch, but an additional table was required in the dining room, as the main table only seats 14 comfortably. We enjoyed shepherds pie, mustard chicken, and veg, followed by cheesecake, fresh fruit and ice-cream.
Our next meeting is next Sunday, Frettenham, usual place and usual time. All welcome.