
Restrictions are easing, but they were not last Sunday. So the two of us had praise, worship, reading from scripture, communion, prayer – and roast pork with Sauvignon blanc.

But the rules have changed, and now 6 people or 2 households can meet together. But only outside. This will soon change again, and when 6 can meet indoors, we can start to plan better. In the meantime, if anyone would like to meet with us in the garden for praise, worship, etc. or just coffee, phone up and we will arrange it.

But some restrictions are being imposed in a more insidious way, and Christians make themselves vulnerable these days if they share Biblical values on a range of subjects, especially on gender, marriage, and sexual orientation. Isaiah 5:20 prophesies that the day will come when people say right is wrong, and wrong is right. Churches and Christians should not compromise on Biblical values, but nor should we go looking for trouble. In principle, churches in totalitarian states have had this problem for years, and to some extent have gone ‘underground’.

They do not buy and meet in buildings, but in homes. The venues often change. Halls are hired for one off meetings. People do not necessarily meet every Sunday, and different days and places are used. But everybody is informed.

Maybe we need to be a little more flexible and have ‘church’ that is prepared for further similar restrictions and persecutions. 

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