Prayer – and more!

Regulars away, but others turning up. It was just great to have a room full.

There were quite a few testimonies at the beginning of the meeting, but we do not have an ‘order of service’, and it was good to hear what had been happening. Some healed, and some hanging in. We spent time praising the Lord. There was a word of knowledge about a document, and relief for someone waiting for such news! Several people shared from scriptures or testimony or words of encouragement.

Malcolm led us in breaking bread, and shared more testimony.

We looked at John 14:13. ‘Ask, and you will receive”, is the gist of the verse. But can anyone ask and expect to receive? This verse being taken in isolation can lead to disappointment, and a feeling of disillusionment. I have a simple faith, but there is a lot to it! My approach to prayer is simple, but I am aware of much teaching on prayer in scripture. The teaching of Jesus in John 14 is to those close to him, eager to see the kingdom come, eager to please Jesus.

Luke 18:1-8 is the parable of the unjust judge. The unjust judge is a rotter, caring neither about God nor about people. The widow had no clout. Why should he bless her? Because she worried him so much! We do not approach a rotter, but a loving Father. We are not those without clout – Jesus gives us standing and authority.

Matthew 15:22-28. The Syrophoenician woman who wanted healing for her daughter. Firstly, Jesus did not answer her. She persisted. Those close to Jesus told her togo away. She ignored them. Jesus explained that he had only come to the Jews at this time. She needed to wait for Pentecost! She hung in and showed faith. So Jesus broke the rules, and healed her daughter. She had faith and persistence.

We looked at other examples of prayer from Matthew 6 and Matthew 7, and could have looked at many more.

Conclusion. There are no rules for prayer, except ‘live the life’. Learn about prayer – read the Bible, God’s word to us! Take this seriously.

Our next meeting is next Thursday (prayer meeting) and next Sunday (worship + anything meeting). Regional meeting next Sunday at Binham (afternoon/evening).

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