We prayed for a worship leader, and Bob came along. We prayed for more people, and quite a few came along. Now we are praying for younger people! We were sorry to hear from Billy and Wendy that they have now got tickets to fly back to Texas. We will miss them, and say Thank-you to them for all they have contributed into the fellowship over the past 7(?) years.
It’s Goodbye to Billy and Wendy, but Hello to Mark and Michelle. And as 2 saints towards the older age group depart, so Mark and Michelle represent young middle-age. And Frank is quite often with us, and this morning shared scripture and encouragement. Frank worked for me for several years, and will be forever ‘Young Frank’! Let us pray for more Marks, Michelles and Franks.
It was interesting that a friend recently told me that neither younger people, nor many people, would come to a fellowship out of Norwich that was largely older people. Earlier that morning, the Lord had spoken to me as Wendy and I read Zechariah 8:4,5, where we read that older men and women, and boys and girls would populate Jerusalem. Likewise church. I’m glad the Lord spoke to me before my friend did! I believe a church where the Spirit is truly free to move, will grow as it is blessed by the Lord.
So many people shared testimony, shared scripture, and prayed for various needs. Billy and Wendy led us in communion, and we then gathered round to pray for them, and share words of promise and direction.
Next week, Wendy and I are away at conference in Devon. I am also speaking at a funeral in Sussex during the week. Please pray for us with traveling and speaking. The meeting next Sunday (Billy and Wendy’s last at this time) will be at the home of Malcolm and Moira in Rackheath. Email me for Malcolm’s phone number for direction, if you need them.