Monday , 21 October 2024

Grow Church!

Our first Sunday meeting since returning from time away, though not our first meeting, as we were at the Bible study last Thursday. With two on holiday, and two with a sick car, and two having health issues plus recent bereavement, it was good to have the room reasonably full.

Thank you to Shirlene for sharing psalm 23 and leading communion, Bob leading praise and worship, and Cliff and Frank sharing from the word, and Wendy leading in prayer. Connie had witnessed to her optician, and he had asked for prayer. Ann shared that someone she had witnessed to had come to the Lord, hrough someone else. Wonderful, and she emphasised the need for us to be praying for people.

We considered seasons – in creation, and in our lives. I have had a season of working with FGB, but believe the Lord told me the season was over.

I have stepped down at local, regional and national level. I also believe the Lord is ushering a new season, with the words ‘Grow church’. How do we do this? Let me share what I believe is the way for me to handle it –

  1. As ever, I am continually expanding my number of non-Christian friends. I do this largely by speaking to most people I meet, and seeing where it goes.
  2. I pray many times a day about bringing new people to church.
  3. I have started a ‘hit list’ of people to ask along, and pray over it regularly.
  4. I will invite new people every time we have a Liberty Lunch, starting 10th March.
  5. I suggest that monthly or bi-monthly, praying for healing is a part of our Sunday morning meetings, so we have a reason to invite sick friends.
  6. I want to lead by example, and encourage others to do likewise.

Advice for everyone, when new people present –

  1. Be friendly. Say Hello. 
  2. In the meeting, speak up, stick to the point, keep it short.
  3. In the meeting, share short testimony if possible.
  4. If you get into friendly conversation with new people, consider inviting them round for tea or coffee.
  5. Don’t be religious! Don’t be intense with new people.

Please share with me any wisdom, or words from heaven, on this subject.

Frank started inviting people by text immediately after the meeting. They are coming on the 10th March. Let’s be like Frank!

Our next meeting is prayer meeting this Thursday, 29th February, and back at Frettenham next Sunday.


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